Publishing Policy

Journal of Computing & Biomedical Informatics (IJCAS)  is a bi-annual Journal and publishes two issues in each calendar year.

  1. Authors are not permitted to present their research paper to any other Journal if once submitted to IJCAS till the time she/he gets any dismissal or rejection.
  2. In the new issue, papers of the new writers are preferred. However, if any paper has been set apart as remarkable work or entirely eminent by the reviewer, that can be considered regardless of whether the paper of the same writer was published in the last issue.
  3. Papers, not elegantly composed/written according to the guidelines for the authors given at IJCAS site, won't be entertained for the process.
  4. Any kind of objections/grievances and complaints of writers can be addressed to Editor-in-Chief by giving in writing application.
  5. Corrections in the Names of Authors, their associations, addresses, text, or references are admissible at any time if the mistake is committed by IJCAS editorial administration during processing/editing/printing of the article.